Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Delete multiple list items from a sharepoint list using Object modeling

In the below code snippet we are going to Delete multiple list items (which returned from a CAML query) from a sharepoint list using Object modeling.

listItemFieldID  --> List item ID internal field
listItemFieldName --> List item field which you will be querying.
 listItemName --> value of the field

SPSite ospSite = null;
            SPWeb ospWeb = null;
            SPList ospList = null;
            SPListItemCollection spListItems = null;
            string camlViewQuery = string.Empty,
                           camlFilterQuery = string.Empty,
                           listItemFieldID = "ID";

                //view fields query depends on your requirement
                camlViewQuery = "<FieldRef Name='" + listItemFieldID + "' /><FieldRef Name='" + listItemFieldName + "' />";

                //filter query depends on your requirement
                camlFilterQuery = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='" + listItemFieldName + "'/><Value Type='Lookup'>" + listItemName + "</Value></Eq></Where>";

                using (ospSite = new SPSite(siteUrl))
                    using (ospWeb = ospSite.OpenWeb())
                            ospWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
                            ospList = ospWeb.Lists.TryGetList(listName);

                            if (ospList != null && ospList.ItemCount > 0)
                                SPQuery query = new SPQuery()
                                    //query the list.
                                    Query = camlFilterQuery,
                                    ViewFields = camlViewQuery,
                                    ViewFieldsOnly = true,

                                spListItems = ospList.GetItems(query);
                                if (spListItems!= null)
                                    foreach (SPListItem listItem in spListItems)

                                ospWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;


                        catch (Exception ex)


 Hope this helps..

Friday, December 9, 2011

Creating a Folder in a SharePoint List and adding Items to it programatically

Below is the code snippet to create a folder in a SharePoint List and adding Items to it.
In the below snippet "lsit" is SPList object in which you are trying to create the folder.

// create a folder under the path specified 
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates =True;
folderItem = list.Items.Add(list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl, SPFileSystemObjectType.Folder);

// set the folder name and update
folderItem["Title"] = "My Folder"

//create a listitem object to add item in the foler
SPListItem listItem = list.Items.Add(folderItem.Folder.ServerRelativeUrl, SPFileSystemObjectType.File, null);

//Set the values for other fields in the list
listItem["Contact ID"] = <<Contact ID>>;
listItem["Contact Name"] = <<Contact Name>>;

web.AllowUnsafeUpdates =False;

Hope this helps..

Add a new list item inside a folder using Sharepoint Webservice Lists.asmx

By using the following batch element you can create an item inside a folder present in a list or library.

<Batch OnError="Continue" RootFolder="http://moss/Lists/myList/FolderName">
  <Method ID="1" Cmd="New">
    <Field Name="ID">New</Field>
    <Field Name="CustomerName">Robert Hay</Field>
    <Field Name="CustomerAddress">Redmond</Field>
    <Field Name="Title">customer2</Field>
The important attribute here is the RootFolder. You need to provide the 
URL of the folder where you wish to create the item. So right now the 
RootFolder value is http://moss/Lists/myList/FolderName.
Hope this helps ..

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